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School Community Council Meeting Minutes from 2023-24 School Year





SCHOOL MEMBERS:  Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

PARENT MEMBERS:  Kirsten Cantrell, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine, Rogelio Nava

  1. Introductions
  2. Elect Chair & Co-Chair
  3. Rules or Order
  4. Status report of South Valley this Year
  5. Community Involvement
  6. Wellness at SVS
  7. Incident Command
  8. Land Trust Monies for this Year
  9. Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Planning
  10. Safe Technology and Digital Citizenship


SCHOOL MEMBERS:  Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

PARENT MEMBERS:  Kirsten Cantrell, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine, Rogelio Nava


  1. Introductions-Rogelio is a new member this year.


  1. Elect Chair & Co-Chair- Kirsten Cantrell will be chair. Jessica Wilson will be co-chair.


  1. Rules or Order- Reviewed. Council members received training today with video. Reviewed code of conduct/South Valley School mission and vision.


  1. Status report of South Valley this Year- new position- FT assistant principal, FT instructional coach, digital coach. 2-FT openings and 2-PT openings for para educators. New IEP computer system-Embrace. New  bus driver-Natalie. Students received food handlers permits, attended state fair and UTA training. Spirit Week and Homecoming Dance were great.


  1. Community Involvement- Continuing with our community harvest partners-Starbucks/Pizza Hut. Hosting princnipal pantry storage and pick-up. Thanks to JEF for helping families. Foster grandparent program continues.
  1. Upcoming Events- EDI training. Fall break October 23-27. Halloween Carnival-October 31st. Food drive and Turkey Bowling will happen in November.


  1. Wellness at SVS- Kim is our school wellness representative. We have a Chill Room this year.


  1. Incident Command-Staff received additional training this year. New signs in the hallways that show the hallway names. Staff will be trauma trained. WJPD will start getting to know students at the school.

9.Goal/Measurements. During the 2022 - 2023 school year, students met 30% of their annual goals and showed sufficient progress in 64% of their goals.  During the 2023-2024 school year, students will increase the percentage of mastery to 45% in the areas of vocational training, community training, and life skills.


  1. Land Trust Monies for this Year- Carryover from last year with LandTrust funding.
  • Supplies: $1,000.00 each for 10 classrooms = 10,000.00
  • Student Transportation/Field Trips = $4,500.00


  1. Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Planning: Monies go towards coaches and their completion of coaching cycles with other staff and professional development.  Carry over will be used towards technology and enhancing student learning and engagement and/or sigh language classes to help with communication in our school.

Next meetings on Fridays at 7:30 am  – November 17th, January 26th, and March 15th








School Members: Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

Parent Members:  Kirsten Cantrell, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine, Rogelio Nava

  1. Introductions
  2. Community Activities Update
  3. Community Resources
  4. American Sign Language Classes
  5. Technology Updates
  6. Land Trust
  7. TSSA
  8. Incident Command
  9. SVS Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
  10. Principal’s Pantry
  11. Flying Around the States


Next Meeting on Fridays at 7:30 am at South Valley School Conference Room - January 26th and March 15th.




Staff Members Present: Jessica Wilson

Parent Members Present: Kirsten Cantrell (Chair) and Rogelio Nava

Members Absent: Tammy Rajczyk, Marcie Valentine, Aimee Snow

  1. Introductions
  2. Community Activities Update: 26 families will be participating in Thanksgiving Hero meals. 33 students will be participating in Christmas for Kids on Dec. 6th. School will be going to the Festival of Trees on 11/29. Winter Stomp on 12/21/23
  3. Community Resources: The committee reviewed resources on the South Valley Website.
  4. American Sign Language Classes: 15 staff members will be attending 10 ASL classes to help improve communication with students.
  5. Technology Updates:  New BenQ panel in Class 3. Went over the school technology survey done in PLCs. Discussed the goal of improving technology school-wide.
  6. Land Trust: Kirsten attended the Land Trust district meeting. Continue to follow procedures. Tammy will email the committee notes after each meeting.
  7. TSSA: Continue to provide coaching cycles to our teachers with our Instructional Specialist. 2 teachers have started this process. Students have received their food handler’s permit.
  8. Incident Command: We have completed 2 evacuation drills and a Hazardous Spill drill. More drills will happen during the school year. We will be sharing our reunification plan with parents. We follow the same plan as other schools.  Updated committee on Standard Response Protocols (SRP) we will be training staff on.
  9. SVS Mission, Vision, and Beliefs: The committee was good with it, however, will continue to review for any updates.
  10. Principal’s Pantry: JEF donated a lot of items including food, hygiene kits, books, and school supplies. We are still accepting any donations that will all go to our students who are in need. If donations are made that need a receipt, they must go through JEF. The canned food drive is going on now and thriving.  Question: Are there any students with any lunch balances overdue?  Yes, we have a few students with negative balances.
  11. Flying Around the States: Thursday, Feb 1, 2024. Went over map and sticker design. Talked about the plan for the day and times.  It was recommended to have LD at opposite ends of the gym to allow more space.


QUESTIONS: Amazon student account to get a discount - get an email from the school. Tammy and Jess will look into this through our school district.


Next Meetings on Fridays at 7:30 am at South Valley School Conference Room - January 26th and March 15th.










School Members: Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

Parent Members:  Kirsten Cantrell, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine, Rogelio Nava

  1. Introductions
  2. Community Activities Update
  3. Flying Around the States
  4. American Sign Language Classes
  5. Professional Development
  6. Land Trust
  7. TSSA
  8. Incident Command


Next Meeting on Friday at 7:30 am at South Valley School Conference Room - March 15th.



School Members Present: Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

Parent Members Present:  Kirsten Cantrell, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine, Rogelio Nava


  1. Introductions


  1. Community Activities Update: Went over new job sites and Job Coach luncheon. Discussed Staff Appreciation Week: April 29 - May 3rd - SCC will let us know which day they would like to bring treats for staff. Celebrated our Community involvement: Christmas for Kids, Thanksgiving Heros, Festival of Trees, Staff Christmas luncheon, Jordan School District Supercast; Senior Living Center visit, Food Drive (Kirsten will be donating for upcoming nonschool days), Wellness Day on 2/9/24, Talent Show (2/23), and Production at our school (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  Upcoming parent meeting with Voc Rehab and Parent Night - 2/8/24


  1. Flying Around the States - Jess updated on this upcoming event; on Feb 1st from 8:30 - 10:00 am.  Invites were sent out.  Each class chooses a state and will present it with activities for staff and students.


  1. American Sign Language Classes: 15 staff members are participating.  Staff have also been teaching their students and students teaching staff.  It has been fabulous to see this filter throughout the whole school.  We would like to provide this class to more staff next school year.


  1. Professional Development: Our Instructional Coach and Digital Coach meet with teachers regularly for training and in our faculty meetings.  We also had a PD in January with Melisa Genaux (AU specialist) to learn behavior management strategies to use in our classrooms. We will continue with monthly PLCs and quarterly PDs.


  1. Land Trust: Staff are using their budgets to access the community and make purchases.  SCC agreed to the same focus and will maintain for the 2024-2025 school year for our Land Trust Plan: Support staff in their community efforts; BenQ board, and/or ipads for classrooms.  Any excess funding will be designated for rec passes and/or equipment to improve physical education.  SCC signed the Council Signature Form for 2024-2025.


  1. TSSA: Reviewed current use of monies. 2024-2025 TSSA will be used for staff stipends: coaching, PDs, Employee Benefits, and ASL classes.


  1. Incident Command: Review progress with SRP drills.  SVS has had a HOLD Drill and it went well.


Next Meeting on Friday at 7:30 am at South Valley School Conference Room - March 15th.








FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024



SCHOOL MEMBERS:  Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

PARENT MEMBERS:  Kirsten Cantrell, Rogelio Nava, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine


  1. Community Activities Update
  1. Staff Appreciation Week
  1. Award
  1. Stakeholder Feedback Updates
  1. Land Trust and TSSA
  1. Professional Development
  1. Incident Command




SCHOOL MEMBERS PRESENT:  Tammy Rajczyk and Jessica Wilson

PARENT MEMBERS PRESENT:  Kirsten Cantrel, Rogelio Nava, Aimee Snow, Marcie Valentine


  1. Community Activities Update: Staff Appreciation Week: April 29 – May 3rd; Update on Flying Around the States – success; Talent Show Feedback – it was great and loved seeing all the talented students and staff; District Transition Fair – our SBOs helped host this event, may people asked about SVS; Parent Information Meeting with Voc Rehab and Parent Center was a good turn out and very informative; March Madness Basketball Tournament ended today and was fantastic; Student Wellness Day on March 22nd – many fun activities for students to participate in and a book will be provided to students with activities they can do at home; Spring Dance – April 19th; SBO Campaign Week of April 22nd; Sheriff’s Week – week of May 13th; New Student Orientation – May 15th from 6-7pm.; SVS will have a meet your teacher event before school starts; SVS graduation will be May 29th – open house format with a survey for parents to see if they would prefer a open house format or more formal graduation; Last day of school – May 31st.


  1. Staff Appreciation Week: SCC will provide treats to staff on Tuesday, April 30th. School will provide other treat the remainder of the week, including a staff luncheon.


  1. Award: Codee Flores (teacher in Class 7) has honored by JEF for Outstanding Educator of the Year.


  1. Stakeholder Feedback Updates: Excellent responses from all stakeholders. We had a couple responses concerned about pick-up and drop-off.  We have made some changes and designated an area for students to be dropped off and a car lane to ensure safety.


  1. Land Trust and TSSA: Both plans have been submitted for review. TSSA: coaching, PLCs, ASL. Land Trust: community making purchases for supplies, technology, and rec passes.


  1. Professional Development: Codee Flores (Digital Coach) provides trainings to teachers and staff at faculty meetings. Kim Jones (Instructional Coach) provides trainings at faculty meetings. Melissa Genous presented to staff on behavior management on 1/2/24. PLCs continue to work monthly with a focus on behavior and instructional outcomes using AI and goal setting with partner class.


  1. Incident Command: Completed this year: 3 evacuation drills, a hazardous spill drill, 2 hold drills, a lockdown drill and a bomb threat drill. Skylerts are being sent out, April 18th we will have an Earthquake drill and on April 12 during a staff professional development, WJPD and Fire will host a training for us.


  1. Feedback for the year’s SCC:  Awesome job. This year went smoothly, especially as a transition year with the new administration.